孩子在外語的學習上有困難 A foreign language learning disabilities?
還是 IQ 的原因呢?
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Cross-Linguistic Influence and Learner Language
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Contextual Factors in Second Language Acquisition
Walqui, Aída (2000). Contextual Factors in Second Language Acquisition. West Ed,
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Learning Styles, Learner Strategies, and Motivation in Second Language Learning
Date: Saturday, Nov. 10th, 2007
Presenter: Andrew D. Cohen, University of Minnesota
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Teaching Writing to Young Learners: Effective Writing Strategies for Children
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這次的 workshop 很多國內外的講師都不約而同地提到使用 "Graphic Organizers" 的重要性,
無論是在課堂中寫作教學 (writing activity) 的指導和活動,
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1. Picture Match
(1) Beginning letter sounds
(2) Short vowel sounds
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[Time 時間主題] 是國小階段英語學習的主題之一,
前陣子買了這個 kiki & Lala clock teaching prop, 進行 Listening & Speaking activity,
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One of the back-to-school activities is reviewing abc phonics through singing songs!
This one is like a rap which is not only suitable for beginning but also matured learners!
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昨天去 Costco 逛, 沒想到平日週三下午一樣很多人, 車位也要到 B2 才有位置, 呵,
買了很多吃的, 有很下飯的 Korean kimchi, 打開就可以吃囉;
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National Geography 設計的網站,
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小朋友也非常地乖巧, 將校園打掃得乾乾淨淨迎接貴賓.
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There Was An Old Lady....
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Phonics is the ability to identify that there is a relationship between the individual sound (phonemes) of the spoken language and the letters (graphemes) of the written language.
There are 2 main approaches to teach phonics: synthetic phonics and analytic phonics.
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Q: 請幫忙提供英文字母的遊戲, 適合小一到小三的小朋友, 好玩又能練習及了解字母, 謝謝...
A: hi, 圖文版請連結:
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晨間英語繪本導讀活動, 新學期新的活動! 今天是 '開張日!' 導讀的繪本就是美國知名插畫家 David Shannon's 'David Goes to School.' 很喜歡這一本繪本, 因為故事中有許多學校生活寫照, 能跟學生的生活經驗相連結! 而且這本就是作者的童年寫照, 有點 cute, 又有點 naughty! ^_^
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五年級 Lesson 1 'He Is Smart' 教學目標: 瞭解並使用 He's ______. She isn't ______. I'm a/an ______ boy. You are not a /an ___ girl. 的句型和對話, 來描述他人的個性和特質. 這是五年乙班的作品, 講解一下活動進行內容:
1. 請學生回家之後, 準備家人的照片, 可以是獨照, 也可以是合照; 可以是沖洗的相片, 也可以是數位照片透過電腦列表機列印出來, 如果真的沒有照片, 請用手繪, 貼在一張紙上, 當然最好是美美的紙當背景囉!
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今天將 Lesson 1 作一個總結性的活動評量, 四年級學生透過活動來複習 Numbers!
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字母卡的活動 +1, 可以兩人一組, 或者是更多人也會更刺激!
或者是由一個人發牌, 小朋友共同朗誦 A ~Z, 一邊遊戲, 一邊學習! 字母的學習變得活潑多樣!
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