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秋季,舒適的季節,Autumn pumpkins.
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I am thankful for my teachers, who always give caring and encouraging words to me, and trust in me!
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Thanksgiving started in the early days of settlement in North America.
Encourage the children to think about why and when they might be thankful.
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教學對象:國小二年級學童;節慶教學:感恩節(Thanksgiving Day)
這是之前 Dr. Hu 分享給 Cindy 的教學資源書 Holiday Jazz Chant Oxford University Press
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Cindy魔法ABC教室 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()
Cindy 給二年級的小朋友看了一本英文繪本 Handa's Surprise,搭配動畫 DVD,
目的是要複習 Fruits 主題的單元。
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與您分享好聽的 Apple Seed Song.
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版面右側的文章分類 Category→ 節慶教學→
→ 新增「感恩節Thanksgiving」文章類別,
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Today is Thanksgiving Day!
We have made Thanksgiving turkey together and today we sang one song 'Jimmy Crack Corn.'

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星期五我們學校舞蹈社團代表學校為校爭光! (得了一個優選回來喔!) 難得有堂 "空白課程," 讓留在學校的小朋友先來體驗感恩節! 我們在短短的一節課裡作出一隻火雞喔! 還有上一篇文章, 是另外一班做的, 也是感恩節的!
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Print and color pop-up placecards for Thanksgiving. Students make cute Thanksgiving table decorations. ^_^
***Supplies needed:
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