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屈臣氏在 7/6 (禮拜日) 下午 4 點 ~ 關門前結帳皆 85 折

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學校同事 Vita 送的 BEAUTÉ de KOSÉ 
ESPRIQUE Liquid Eyecolor Stylish 丰靡美姬 眼彩釉

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 MJ 戀愛魔鏡最新唇蜜 PK 320

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February 2008 bella 濃濃贈送
「電眼美人」必備:戀愛魔鏡 MJ 甜心眼影 (價值NT. 210)

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屈臣氏這兩天,1/12 Sat. ~ 1/13 Sun. 有加1元可多一件商品的活動,

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鼠年到~Arguably three of the cutest little characters, Alvin, Theodore and Simon, have captured generations of hearts since their debut in 1958. 
With the release of their new movie, another group of kids and kids at heart get to enjoy the silliness!

Here are some great Alvin and the Chipmunks printable coloring pages and activities for your kids:

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Cindy魔法ABC教室 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

週末的內湖 Costco一樣人山人海,這次買了 14 piece professional quality cosmetic brush set, 
擺放的位置在一上 2F 左轉就看到了。貨品非常齊全,感覺是剛進貨,(之前聽說台中和高雄分店都有了),一直在觀望北部賣場,終於買到囉!

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資生堂 Shiseido 的旗下產品 MAQuillAGE 在暑假新出的產品,
Cindy 當時去日本也就忍不住買啦,

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才剛開學不久, Cindy就當了兩次導護老師, 皮膚立刻變黑啦

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這一年來, 當老師又當學生的日子, 
填滿了我的每個週末, 週末都是用來備課或是準備報告,

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  • Mar 06 Tue 2007 20:54
  • Q vs C

The Different between the Two Research Articles
The first paper is a qualitative research and the second one is the quantitative research. The reasons are as follows:
First of all, the research methods in the first paper is through interviewing and observing children, teachers, parents, and administers’ interaction, reaction, language use and learning contexts, etc. The second paper is through students’ performance by taking pre- and post-tests after having the reading programs and through experiment, investigation, and data analysis.

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大家有緣在 blog 相識, 今天終於大家有空相聚囉! 先來人物介紹: 前排由左至右 Cindy, Jenny, Elly; 後排 Grace, Jasmine, and Sharon.  我們約在 Mr. Brown enjoy our lunch time.

  我準備的禮物是之前提過的教具之一, 而且已經缺貨的叮咚牌, 沒想到照相時還可以立即派上用場, 大家搞笑說像某位舉牌達人 K 先生, 嘻!

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