目前分類:彩妝 (17)
- Jul 06 Sun 2008 01:12
[情報] 難得一見的折扣
- May 04 Sun 2008 23:52
- Feb 04 Mon 2008 23:03
- Feb 03 Sun 2008 18:43
[情報] 二月份儂儂雜誌送戀愛魔鏡眼影
- Jan 25 Fri 2008 20:00
- Jan 12 Sat 2008 14:39
[情報] 屈臣氏這兩日的加1元多一件
- Jan 06 Sun 2008 09:48
Alvin and the Chipmunks《鼠來寶》Printables

With the release of their new movie, another group of kids and kids at heart get to enjoy the silliness!
Here are some great Alvin and the Chipmunks printable coloring pages and activities for your kids:
- Jan 01 Tue 2008 23:11

- Nov 19 Mon 2007 17:44
Cosmetic Application彩妝工具組
週末的內湖 Costco一樣人山人海,這次買了 14 piece professional quality cosmetic brush set,
擺放的位置在一上 2F 左轉就看到了。貨品非常齊全,感覺是剛進貨,(之前聽說台中和高雄分店都有了),一直在觀望北部賣場,終於買到囉!
- Sep 24 Mon 2007 21:10
- Mar 06 Tue 2007 20:54
Q vs C
The Different between the Two Research Articles
The first paper is a qualitative research and the second one is the quantitative research. The reasons are as follows:
First of all, the research methods in the first paper is through interviewing and observing children, teachers, parents, and administers’ interaction, reaction, language use and learning contexts, etc. The second paper is through students’ performance by taking pre- and post-tests after having the reading programs and through experiment, investigation, and data analysis.