Happy Easter!! Easter Eggs 復活節彩蛋著色情境布置
Q. What's your favorite word in the world and why? 提問:「在英語的世界裡,你最喜歡哪一個字呢?請寫下來喔!」
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Dingbats for language learning are reviewing activities of vocabulary, compound nouns, phrases, or sentence patterns.
Cindy draws one question for you to answer. You may see some examples from Grammarman
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期盼已久的字母湯終於來囉! 感謝我的表妹在台中美珍香
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Activities |
Level |
Brief Introduction, Emphasis, and Notes |
Writing Caption for Picture (comic) |
advanced |
Use background knowledge (schemata), discourse marker, cause-effect, story or anecdote, pragmatics |
Activity 1: Writing Captions for Picture or Comics
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Question: Dear Cindy,
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Adrienne Herrell & Michael Jordan (2002). 50 Active Learning Strategies for improving Reading Comprehension. Columbus, Ohio: Merrill Practice Hall.
Story Retelling Boxes: Using Props to Reenact Stories
Story reenactment (Herrell, 2000) is a strategy that requires students to retell the story in sequence with the use of simple costumes and/or props. Story retelling boxes are used to store the costumes and/or props students use to retell the story, either by dressing up in costumes and portraying the action or by using small props to retell the story and demonstrate the action. Story reenactment requires students to remember the sequence of the story, use some of the verbal interactions within the story to make characters come alive, and comprehend the main ideas in the story to portray the action.
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Activity: Jigsaw Reading
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Cindy 服務的學校和新加坡 Singapore
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繼之前的數字 numbers BINGO machine, 週末回台中喝喜酒, 還順道買了另一個新教具,
也是 BINGO activity,
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今天是學校本學期的大日子之一, 是與花蓮縣水源國小校際交流, 上一次是我們的小朋友到他們那裡去接受款待, 今天換我們的小朋友當小主人, 學習如何待人接物, 如何招待客人喔! Cindy 今天帶著這兩個班體驗多功能語言教室, 他們充滿了 SUPER 的熱情和活力!! 我們也一起度過愉快的時光!
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今年的三年級學生已經帶了一年, 因為在他們二年級時的 English 就是 Cindy 拉拔長大的! 今天為他們安排一個複習字母的活動, 就是 "字母排排樂!"
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Cindy魔法ABC教室 發表在 痞客邦 留言(11) 人氣()
有需要檔案的老師請告知 ^_6
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Back-to-School Scavenger Hunt Name ________
新學期讓小朋友在新班級裡認識彼此的活動!(需要檔案者請回應告知寄給您)For each question, find someone in your class who has that attribute, and have them sign the answer blank for that number. If there is no one in your class with the attribute, write that down on the answer blank for that question
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每次去 Silex 都是 rainy day, 買了 We're Going on a Bear Hunt, 也許新學期, 開學之後可以用來全校週五晨間英語推廣活動--英語閱讀呢!
We're going on a bear hunt.
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1. 小叮噹環遊世界磁鐵, 介紹世界各國 (countries) 的風俗民情, 讓學生比較彼此之不同, developing an awareness of other cultures and valuing national identities.
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字母ABC小木塊教具, 小朋友兩兩一組, 老師說單字, e.g., " hat " 小朋友依照 拼字發音對照 (phonics)規則 來找出字母 h-a-t 並組合起來, 看誰速度比較快喔! go ! ! ! (...在哪裡...)
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