每次去 Silex 都是 rainy day, 買了 We're Going on a Bear Hunt, 也許新學期, 開學之後可以用來全校週五晨間英語推廣活動--英語閱讀呢! 
We're going on a bear hunt.
We're going to catch a big one.
Waht a beautiful day!
We're not scared!

是一本可愛的故事, 故事結局竟然是 bear hunts us!!!   中間的 "旅程" 也是緊張萬分!
We go through the grass!  Swishy swashy!  Swishy swashy! 
We go through the river!  Splash splosh!  Splash splosh!
We go through the cave!  Tiptoe!  Tiptoe!
We go through the snowstorm!  Hoooo woooo!  Hoooo woooo!
We go through the forest ....

It's a dramatic and beautiful masterpiece !
Cindy 覺得這是一本可以一起開心共讀, 也可以戲劇性演出的好書!!!

From Cindy!



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