Word Game: "Joggling the ball"
T asks, "How do you spell ______? "
When student answers correctly, s/he draws one colored ball from bag. If s/he belongs red team with red ball, s/he gets one point for his or her team.

On the contrary, if s/he gets blue ball (the color of the other team), s/he loses this chance for gaining one point.

學生先畫好4張食物, 跟老師心電感應, 全班起立,
T: "He loves ______ (food) for dinner."
如果拿出來的小圖卡和老師不一樣, please sit down;
看到最後誰是winner, 也跟老師超有默契的!

Euri 認字發展理論
--Pre-alphabetic stage--look
孩子一次看 whole word, 就像照相機將整個影像拍攝下來. 依照字母的外型, 一次看一個chunk

英文有37把 keys, 有了它之後, 就可以開500扇門了!
屬於 Ehri 認字發展階段的 Consolidated alphabetic stage.
這是讓孩子 manipulate sound and words
Pnonics -at