在暑期英語營裡,Cindy 指導小朋友製作屬於他們自己的蘋果小書,
1. Students can read the story on their own.
2. Students can recognize target words in this book.
3. Students can share their handmade book to others.
26 first-to-third EFL graders
1. Scissors
2. Staples
3. Markers
4. Book sheets *2
1. Distribute 'My Apple Book' sheets.
2. Review the ways to speak, spell, and write numbers
from 1 to 10.
3. Review the words of colors.
4. Instruct students how to fill in the blanks with appropriate vocabulary.
5. Staple these two sheets.
6. Color the 'Apple Book.'
7. Divide the whole class into three groups.
8. Each group reads the book aloud to teacher and classmates. My Apple Book I see two apples.
I see five apples.
I see three apples growing on a tree.
I see two apple trees growing in a field.
I see one apple next to two books.
Thank you!
Extensive reading
小書分享、 Blog 朋友回饋。