各位英文老師好:Cindy 要請您幫忙勾選一份教師文化認知問卷,謝謝。也請轉知,敬祝教學愉快!
Dear language teachers,
The main objectives of this survey is going to understand the level of cultural intelligence of English teachers in Taiwan.
Please select the answer that BEST describes you as you really are.
Thanks for your assistance and support.
The definition for other cultures means English or other languages except your own first language.
I believe you have many experiences in multiple cultures. I made this survey mainly for English teachers in Taiwan, and English is the lingua franca around the world, so you could make responses based on English culture that you are more familiar with.
Chia-Hui Cindy Shen
PhD student at the Department of English, National Taiwan Normal University
Cindy魔法ABC教室 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/cindy422
E-mail: cindy422@tp.edu.tw
TEL: 0228103192 ext. 20
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