學生手上一人一份monster cards, 藉由描述
My monster has ______ (numbers) ______ (eyes, ears, heads, etc.) 

I think this activity is truely communicative based on the statement from Morrow, there are three features in Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): information gap, choice, and feedback.  

An INFORMATION GAP exists when one student in an exchange knows something about his / her monster and the other peer does not.   

In addition, in communication, the speaker has a CHOICE of what s/he will describe the monster and how s/he will say it.   

Furthermore, true communication is purposeful.
One student can thus evaluate whether or not his or her purpose has been achieved according to the FEEDBACK s/he receives from classmates.

    Cindy魔法ABC教室 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()