中文閱讀課和二年級學生共讀國際知名五星級的Eric Carle(中譯艾瑞‧卡爾)的其中一個作品"拼拼湊湊的變色龍"融合並複習正在學習的COLORS主題。 這是一片中英雙語的VCD,會發出美妙聲音的聲音書,by信誼出版社,用多功能語言教室的高級視聽設備,小朋友既期待又興奮呢!這樣就有達到引起內在動機的技巧囉(Use techniques that are intrinsically motivating.)
Cindy蘋果老師小語: 這是一本讓孩子了解自己、肯定自己的有趣故事,透過變色龍的心願,孩子不僅可以認識許多不同動物,更可以很容易的看見他們的特色。
課堂裡的閱讀教學(Teaching Reading):
(1)Skim the text for main ideas略讀找出主要觀念,
(2)Goodman's "Top-down"technique,the processing in which we draw our own intelligence and experience to understand a text.
(3)meets Christine Nuttall's(1996) three criteria for choosing reading textsfor students: (a) suitability of content; (b) exploitation; (c) readability.
艾瑞‧卡爾曾說:「With many of my books,I attempt to bridge the gap between home and school.我嘗試用我的書來為家與學校的鴻溝搭起一座橋樑。」
Cindy期望學生能藉由閱讀, 充實內心學養,滋養品格,全人發展(Learning is persons).
Cindy蘋果老師小語: 這是一本讓孩子了解自己、肯定自己的有趣故事,透過變色龍的心願,孩子不僅可以認識許多不同動物,更可以很容易的看見他們的特色。
課堂裡的閱讀教學(Teaching Reading):
(1)Skim the text for main ideas略讀找出主要觀念,
(2)Goodman's "Top-down"technique,the processing in which we draw our own intelligence and experience to understand a text.

(3)meets Christine Nuttall's(1996) three criteria for choosing reading textsfor students: (a) suitability of content; (b) exploitation; (c) readability.
艾瑞‧卡爾曾說:「With many of my books,I attempt to bridge the gap between home and school.我嘗試用我的書來為家與學校的鴻溝搭起一座橋樑。」
Cindy期望學生能藉由閱讀, 充實內心學養,滋養品格,全人發展(Learning is persons).
