Cindy Shen received a PhD degree in Teaching English as the Foreign Language at National Taiwan Normal University.
She is an Elementary school English teacher, ELT expert and teacher trainer, Nearpod Certified Educator, Microsoft Innovative Educator, iPad seeding teacher, Seesaw Ambassador, and Google Local Guide.
Nearpod is an interactive classroom tool for teachers to engage students with interactive lessons.
It's really great to help teachers successfully in teaching and students in learning via Nearpod.
English is a foreign language in Taiwan in Asia, and especially my students are beginning learners, so it's difficult to get their attention and keep them focus on learning.
With Nearpod, I can synchronize my presentation and invite kids join in.
I can take good care of children with diversified language proficiency levels in big classes.
This is really useful to my classroom management.
I can differentiate my students based on their language proficiency levels.
As for my colleagues, we could design our lessons and then share our lessons directly with each other.
I've done more than 100 teacher training workshops in Taiwan, Asia.
More than 1000 of teachers who teach Science, Social Studies, Art, and Music, said that they can't waiting using Nearpod in their classes!
Lots of my colleagues have already used Nearpod with their fourth-grade students. I feel so proud of them!!
Lesson I made:
Women in STEM
I will keep on designing Nearpod lessons and share them with more educators OUTSIDE of Taiwan that will make 2020 my best year ever in education.