5 key areas in becoming a proficient reader:
phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency.
Reading comprehension skills separate the "passive" unskilled reader from the "active" readers.
Skilled readers don't just read, they interact with the text.
As skilled readers read, they are able to:
1. Predict what will happen next in a story using clues presented in text
2. Create questions about the main idea, message, or plot of the text
3. Monitor understanding of the sequence, context, or characters
4. Clarify parts of the text which have confused them
5. Connect the events in the text to prior knowledge or experience
教學小秘方: By demonstrating self-monitoring techniques as you read aloud to your children,
you will help them develop these skills themselves.
Periodically stop and ask your child questions that illustrate the skills above.
If you are reading a confusing passage, stop and say, "I didn't understand that. Did you?"
And after listening to their interpretation, say: "Interesting, Let's check and read this part again."
Reread the passage and then discuss your new understanding.
Let's help students develop skills in approaching, reading and interpreting text.
- Jul 24 Tue 2007 17:59
Reading Comprehension: Beyond Phonics