一.提升英語學習能力 Promote English Learning Ability:
二.強化國語文學習能力 Strengthen Chinese Learning Ability
三.豐饒各項教學設施 Enrich Teaching and Learning Facilities
四.精進教學特色成果 Upgrade Characteristics of Teaching Performance
五.活化夥伴策略聯盟 Activate Strategic Alliances of Partners
一.舞蹈社團成長篇 Develop Folk dancing Club
二.精實各項生活教育 Establish Each of the Life Education
三.精緻的校際交流 Plan Elaborative Interaction with Schools
四.多元的學習活動 Organize Multiplicity of Learning Activities
五.精進健康體位活動 Upgrade Activities for Health and Sanitary
一.提升行政效率 Elevate Efficiency of Administration
二.營造精緻校園 Establish Elegant Campus
一.弱勢學生關懷照顧 Take Care of the Inferior Students
二.學校家庭社區共成長 Develop Mutual Growth between School, Family, and Community
三.教訓輔三合一資源整合 Integrate Resources from Academic Office, Student Affairs Office, and Counselor's Section
一.提升英語學習能力 Promote English Learning Ability:
二.強化國語文學習能力 Strengthen Chinese Learning Ability
三.豐饒各項教學設施 Enrich Teaching and Learning Facilities
四.精進教學特色成果 Upgrade Characteristics of Teaching Performance
五.活化夥伴策略聯盟 Activate Strategic Alliances of Partners
一.舞蹈社團成長篇 Develop Folk dancing Club
二.精實各項生活教育 Establish Each of the Life Education
三.精緻的校際交流 Plan Elaborative Interaction with Schools
四.多元的學習活動 Organize Multiplicity of Learning Activities
五.精進健康體位活動 Upgrade Activities for Health and Sanitary
一.提升行政效率 Elevate Efficiency of Administration
二.營造精緻校園 Establish Elegant Campus
一.弱勢學生關懷照顧 Take Care of the Inferior Students
二.學校家庭社區共成長 Develop Mutual Growth between School, Family, and Community
三.教訓輔三合一資源整合 Integrate Resources from Academic Office, Student Affairs Office, and Counselor's Section